Reflecting what to many has been a long year, the Portland Writers’ Mill’s latest book has a long title. The title page reads, Journeys Through Chaos: an Anthology to Bring Us Together; the Writers’ Mill Journal Volume 8, “a collection of writing from a very challenging year, published 2020.” It has been an enjoyable contributing to yet another book—writing, proofreading, brainstorming and voting on potential titles to a project whose working name was “Challenges.” Most years we publish an anthology; even when we didn’t, we have produced other collections.
The Writers’ Mill’s eclectic collections make good Christmas presents. Find this one at

My writings in Journeys Through Chaos are:
- “Mania Mountain and the Valley of the Shadows”—an essay about bipolar disorder, which placed 3rd in the Writers’ Mill August 2020 writing contest
- “Reset”—a poem on the hope that the pandemic will precede worldwide spiritual revival
- “Not Social”—a haiku about disorientation, which you can read on the Writing Samples page of this site
- “The Morning”—a fictional short story about a man who makes a mistake on his wedding day
- “Matches”—a poem about relationships
- “Welcoming Lilly”—a fictional short story about real people, with just one name changed—the one who isn’t in Heaven yet
To see the other Writers’ Mill collections, visit our Amazon page:
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